Here’s an easy way to remember what happens when you have too much potassium. Increase POTassium can lead to a decrease in blood pressure, this increase the chance of hyPOTension (low blood pressure).
What are two of the most common medicines we use to treat

hypertension (high blood pressure)? ACE inhibitors and sartans (angiotensin II receptor antagonist). Both of these medicines reduce blood pressure via different mechanisms, but both make the body retain potassium. Once again we see that increase POTassium may lead to hyPOTension.
This in turn makes it easier to remember the COMMON symptoms of hyperkalemia (potassium level in blood higher than normal). You just need to think, “What does increase POTassium lead to?” You guessed it hyPOTension. And the symptoms of hypotension are dizziness, weakness and nausea.
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Posted by Memorise Medicine on Sunday, July 29, 2018