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Do you keep missing the problem in your pharmacy oral exam? It could be you’re being misdirected.

In my book, ‘Passing The Pharmacy Australia Intern Oral Exam: The Easy way.’ Available here, Amazon Affiliate link:

I write, “The more practice exams you do, the more you will realise nearly all the problems fall into one of three categories.” This is referring to part-4 of the intern oral exam, but it’s applicable to every uni pharmacy OSCE that I’ve seen. The three categories are:

  1. New prescription & drug interaction.
  2. Not appropriate.
  3. Misdirection–the hardest to spot and solve.

For more information on the three different categories, please refer to the book.

Do you remember pharmacy intern Jenny? I wrote about her a few months ago. She won’t be an intern much longer. She passed the June intern oral exam. Yay!

It can be easy to miss the oral exam problem.

When Jenny was doing practice exams, she kept missing the problem. But once she realised she was being misdirected, she could spot and solve the problem. A good thing, since her part-4 question was a misdirection one.

Misdirection questions become easy once you know how to spot them.

Misdirection example:

Imagine you’re sitting your oral exam. The scenario is, a patient comes in for a new script–sildenafil (for impotence). You check his medical history and do an interaction check. After you ask him some questions, you realise he also takes Nitrolingual Pumpspray. A big red interaction alert appears. Sildenafil and the spray interact–dangerous hypotension. You thank your lucky stars you got such an easy exam question. Wrong. You’ve been misdirected.

His doctor is happy for him to take both medicines. They’re both taken PRN after all. Dig a little deeper and you’d have found that 2 months ago he started sertraline (SSRI antidepressant). That’s the likely cause of his impotence. And THAT is what your examiner wants you to discuss.

Worried about being misdirected? You should attend my FREE online workshop. It’s on Sunday 30th of August 2020 at 6:30pm (Melbourne time). It will cover one practice exam of the Pharmacy Australia Intern Oral Exam. Plus BONUS insights into the recent June oral exam.

For details on how to join, visit:

MemoriseMedicine.Com. 100s of medical flashcards and study tips. Perfect for part-1 of the intern oral exam. 100% FREE!⁣⁣ ⁣

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